Healthy Living and Cancer Prevention
A healthy diet can help prevent the majority of chronic diseases such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
Good nutrition is based on variety and moderation.
DO choose from many different kinds of foods such as vegetables, fruits, grains, beans, lean meat & poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, nuts and healthy oils.
DO select foods low in saturated fats and without trans fats.
DO eat five servings of fruits and vegetables a day.
DO eat what you need, but not in excess of the energy you spend.
DO limit sugar and avoid sugary drinks.
DO eat as little salt and sodium as possible.
AVOID high-fat, high-sugar foods such as cake, cookies, ice cream, chips and other highly processed foods.
DO read food labels. Learn the meaning of carbohydrates, protein & fat and how they can meet your needs.
DO select foods as little processed as possible, with few additives.
ALCOHOL WARNING: If you drink alcohol, drink in moderation.
DO stay out of the sun during the middle of the day. Be aware that the sun doesn’t need to be visible for skin damage to occur. If you must go out in the sun, cover up, wear a hat and use a high SPF sunscreen. Wear good quality sunglasses to protect your eyes. Use a Lip Protector
AVOID tanning beds.
DO exercise regularly.
DON’T smoke. Smoking is the #1 preventable cause of cancer.
Cancer Detection
Early detection of some types of cancers can save lives.
SKIN CANCER: If you have sun-damaged skin, get regular skin checks done by a specialist. If you notice that a mole has changed shape or is bleeding, get it looked at.
CERVICAL CANCER: Pap smears are strongly recommended every three years starting at age 21, or within three years of sexual activity, until age 65.
BREAST CANCER: Mammograms are recommended every year or two starting at age 40.
COLON CANCER: Screening is strongly recommended for people aged 50 to 75.
TESTICULAR CANCER: Men should be familiar with themselves. Any change in size or feel of a testicle should be investigated.
OTHER CANCERS: Many kinds of cancer screening tests can benefit people who have symptoms or a family history of cancer. For more information consult your doctor. |